Friday, 16 December 2011

Dear Student Today I will discuss to you about rd , rmdir and vol commands of DOS respectively,

RD, RMDIR Command
                                      RD(Remove Directory) and RMDIR  both these commands are used to remove directory from current working directory .  

1) first we will see the list of all directories for our understanding

2) Now we type command to create a directory in DOS as given in picture below

3) we check our directory using  "dir " command  in following way as given below

 4) we can remove our created directory using following command "rd  / rmdir " in dos
when we type this command and  pres "enter /return" key from keyboard  your required directory is removed
you can check it by using dir command,

5) we can also use RMDIR command to remove a file from a directory as given in picture.
Vol Command:
   VOL is used to check the  volume label of your hard drive or floppy disk. user just type the VOL command and then  press "Enter /Return " key for the execution of the command.Picturial diagram is given below.

Dos Commands rd ,rmdir and vol

In this lesson dear student I will discuss to you about " rd, rmdir , vol" command these commands have their task respectively.

RD Commands:
 This command is used to delete a directory from the current working directory respectively. to delete a directory first I have to make a directory then I can remove directory pictorial diagram of Commands work is given below.

1)  First of all we make a directory using   "md " command.